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Intalli gootittii BZV kun humna leenjii olaanaa fi kennaa guddaa qabdu savaanaa hin qabamne irratti gaarii dha.

Soft rubber armature body with silicone/rubber weapon. 7' Fakkii qaama tokkoo kan qaxxaamuruu danda'u kan bowwaa humnaa qabu.

7' Archer Meeshaa Taphaa Lallaafaa Poseable

SKU: 364215376135191
$15.89 Regular Price
$11.12Sale Price
Item expected to later than June 10th, 2024. Ergaa/qabannaadhaaf guyyoota 30 hayyamaa.
  • Anaya the Archer poseable soft toy daa'immaniif nageenya kan qabu yoo ta'u, qaama armature laastikaan marfame kan yeroo dheeraa turuu danda'u qaba. Isheen siliikoonii/laastikaa birraa qabu Force Bow jedhamuun hidhamtee dhufti.

Aniyah the Archer wMusic

Aniyah the Archer wMusic

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